Shall we accept good from God, and not trouble? (Job 2:10)

HAVE YOU EVER BEEN REALLY ANGRY WITH GOD? Many people become that way when tragedy hits. They wonder where God is, if He cares, and how He could let this happen. They blame Him.

I don’t know about you, but I have had a year or two when I felt like Job. Those times were the toughest in my life. But looking back, I grew tremendously in my faith walk during those trials. I had to cling to God. There was nothing else strong and sure enough to hold on to because everything else was crumbling. When people asked me how I was able to survive, I said it was by the grace of God, and I meant it down to the core of my being.

Whatever happens, remember our Lord’s hand is there, stretching toward you. So, reach out and grab hold of it. God knows your pain and suffering, but He can also see beyond it. He can use whatever we go through to prepare us for what is next, good or bad. And the best part? When we take Christ Jesus into hearts for this blink of an eye called life, we can be guaranteed there will be no pain or suffering in eternity. I try to cling to Him in all circumstances. Can you blame me?

Before you lift up any complaint to God, praise Him for the good He has brought you.

Julie B. Cosgrove is a widowed Christian author and speaker who lives in Fort Worth, Texas. She is involved with women’s and outreach ministries.