Listen to today’s devo!

You have searched me, Lord, and you know me. (Ps. 139:1)

Expanded Passage: Psalm 139:1-6

I have this love-hate relationship with my smartphone. Being connected to others, catching up on happenings in the world, and effortlessly making it to new destinations are the things I love. On the other hand, I hate the extremely specific pop-up ads and regular requests from apps to “turn on your location services.” Those things make me feel strangely vulnerable, like someone’s always watching me and up to no good.

Psalm 139 declares that God searches and knows us. His location services are always on, seeking and searching for us. Every action, all thoughts, each word are completely known by God. He’s familiar with the patterns and habits of life, and it blows the psalmist’s mind.

God’s intimate knowledge of human beings is astonishing not only because it’s possible for him, but because he cares that much. That God would care so deeply for us is almost too good to be true.

I confess. There are times God’s ability to locate me and know everything about me makes me feel vulnerable. I become aware of the ways I’ve failed to love and serve him as I should. Those are the times I’m ashamed and wish I could run and hide. But when I’m seeking his kingdom and living with God’s priorities as my guide, there’s great comfort in God’s location services. I rejoice and give thanks for his all-encompassing care.

Give thanks for God’s searching and care for you and your family.

Angela Alvarado is the assistant editor for Communication and Administration of The Wesleyan Church and a graduate of Wesley Seminary, (IN).

© 2023 Wesleyan Publishing House. Reprinted from Light from the Word. Used by permission. Scriptures taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV®.