Your hand will lay hold on all your enemies; your right hand will seize your foes. (Ps. 21:8)
Are there days when you feel like hiding from world headlines? Stories of war, death, destruction, intimidation, looting, and treachery fill the newspapers and bombard the screens.
People once believed World War I would end all wars. It wasn’t long, however, before nations were again embroiled and World War II raised many fears. Today, terrorism is the new warfare.
During his reign, King David never experienced respite from war. He saw the horrors of the battlefield, and so it seems strange to find him rejoicing. But David didn’t delight in bloodshed or Israel’s superior armies or his own brilliant leadership. His joy was in the strength and unfailing love of the covenant God who gave victory to the Jewish people. David never forgot who provided everything for him and for the nation.
God’s enemies were David’s enemies, so David not only praised God for past victories, but looked forward to when every enemy of God would be forever destroyed.
There will be a war to end all wars when the Son of God and Satan meet for battle. The Lord’s almighty power will be revealed and His enemies forever vanquished. This war-weary world will at last bow and acknowledge that Jesus Christ alone is Lord. Until then, let us wait in faith, giving God all praise and glory for who He is—almighty Sovereign over all the universe.
As you read today’s headlines, praise God He has already won the final war.
Carol Chase and her husband live in Surrey, British Columbia. She is a retired administrative supervisor, enjoys gardening, and loves to pray for others.