Fear God and keep his commandments. (Eccl. 12:13)
LIFE IS SHORT. Living in an age when life spans seem to be increasing doesn’t always equate to using well the time we’re given. Many of us fill our days with an increasing number of time-wasters rather than time-redeemers. Not that we should never relax and enjoy life. Of course we should! In fact, that would be a great improvement over the meaningless distractions that so innocently slip into our lives.
As he attempted to sum up the wisdom he had gained over the years, the preacher of Ecclesiastes urged his readers to spend the days of youth in remembering the Creator. To be thankful for the Creator’s good gifts. To be mindful of the life-giving patterns and pathways God has instilled in His creation. To give Him appropriate attention and obedience. In fact, the preacher says, this is the primary job God has given us: to give Him reverence and to follow His commands.
No matter our current age, we can still consider today the “days of our youth.” We may not be as young as we once were, but we are younger than we will be tomorrow. We can make today a better day than yesterday, and next week better than last week. Let the Holy Spirit redeem your time today and move you one step closer to full maturity in Christ.
Seek the way of wisdom today.
Kevin Scott is a member of the pastoral staff at Stephen Ministries, where he serves as a writer, teacher, and leader and is the author of ReCreatable.