Are you a “High Hoper”?

All of us will face moments when we must exercise hope. Hope researchers observe that hope is active, not passive. “High hopers” exert whatever degree of control they have to reach that for which they hope. Hopeful people identify specific, tangible goals. They see many pathways to reach this goal, and they nurture an “I can” attitude. High hopers don’t expect the pathway to reach their goals to be straight and easy; hope + optimism allows you to keep moving towards your positive goal when faced with negative events.

However, this is hope placed in oneself, in one’s creativity and one’s own actions. When it comes to many things in life, this description of hope is more than adequate. But there comes a point in all of our lives, when hope in ourselves – in our own goals, our way-power and our will-power – is not enough. And what humans cannot do (i.e., defeat sin and death), God does through the crucified and resurrected Messiah, Jesus. When our hope is in Jesus, we know that our future is secure.

1.  One step at a time. Recognize contexts in which you can and should exercise your hope muscles. What future outcome do you want to reach for? What is your dream for your future? 

2.  Set SMART goals. When you recognize contexts in #1, then create future oriented goals that are specific, measureable, attainable, realistic and time bound. This is the first step for strengthening hope. See The Essential Guide to writing SMART goals. What goals can you set that will take you closer to that for which you hope? How concrete and doable are the goals you are setting? Do they meet the criteria for a SMART goal?

3. Cast your cares on God. But also recognize contexts when your only action is to cast your cares on God because he cares for you (1 Peter 5:7), and meditate on Lamentations 3:21-23: “Yet this I call to mind and therefore I have hope: Because of the LORD’s great love we are not consumed, for his compassion never fail. They are new every morning. Great is your faithfulness.” Do you recognize those times when your own will-power and way-power are inadequate? When you cast your cares on God, can you release them to His loving embrace or do you take them back in fitful worry?

4.  Hope helps health. High hope people are also healthier people. They focus on “doing” instead of worrying and focusing on what they can control, not on what is out of their control. They are able to marshal their internal spiritual resilience, and keep a positive, yet realistic, perspective on challenging times. Are you able to discern what you can and cannot control? Can you identify a daily time to step back, spend time alone with God to regain perspective?

5.  Remember that God cares for you. Our loving, loyal God is the ultimate source of our hope. “High hopers” do not look at their negative circumstances as an indication that God has stopped loving them. They are confident that God is “for” them, no matter what the external state of their life happens to be. Is your confidence in God based on things going well for you or on God’s character as your loving Father? What can you do to remind yourself that God’s loyal love never leaves nor forsakes you?


  1.  Listen (and watch) this very encouraging video, “Prayers for Hope”
  2. For a more theological treatment of hope, see N. T. Wright’s book, Surprised by Hope, (2001), New York: HarperCollins.
  3. Read Part 2 of Kelly M. Kapic, Embodied Hope: A Theological Meditation on Pain and Suffering (2017), Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press.
  4. Find resources to help you exercise your hope muscles
  5. To learn more about the impact of hopefulness on your wellbeing, watch this Ted Talk by surgeon Dr. Allan Hamilton


Emotional contributor: Dr. Toddy Holeman, Chair, Department of Counseling and Pastoral Care at Asbury Theological Seminary

Executive editor: Russ Gunsalus

Curator of content: Dave Higle