Now the Lord has given us room and we will flourish in the land. (Gen. 26:22)

DO YOU TEND TO APPROACH LIFE from a belief in scarcity or abundance?

Scarcity means there are not sufficient resources available to meet every need. A belief in scarcity often leads to fear, competition, and conflict. If there’s not enough to go around, then I have to take steps—sometimes drastic—to ensure those I love have what they need.

Abundance means there are more than enough resources to supply every need, if I have the wisdom and patience to discover them. A belief in abundance can lead to contentment, generosity, and peace.

Isaac, the peacemaker, was a firm believer in abundance. Two times Isaac found himself in conflict with local herdsmen over wells his father Abraham had dug and Isaac had reopened (vv. 20–21). Though Isaac certainly could have made a strong case that both wells belonged to him, he chose not to make an issue of it. God had tremendously blessed Isaac’s past agricultural efforts (vv. 12–15), and he trusted God to meet his needs again. Rather than quarrel over the wells, he moved on to a new place, trusting that God could provide there also (v. 22).

How much anger, conflict, and brokenness result from a belief in scarcity rather than a deep, abiding trust in God’s abundant provision? There is freedom in knowing God will provide.

Believe that God will supply all your needs for today.

Kevin Scott is a pastor, acquisitions editor, and author of ReCreatable. He lives in Noblesville, Indiana, with his wife and three children.