Daily Reading: Hebrews 2:1–18

Because he himself suffered when he was tempted, he is able to help those who are being tempted. (Heb. 2:18)

“But, Mom, you just don’t understand,” my daughter said as she told me about the quarrel she had with some friends. I had tried for months to give her advice and encouragement in handling these relationships, but their arguing grew with each passing day. Her statement prompted a different response in me. “Do you mind if I tell you about someone who deeply hurt me?” She paid more attention than I knew she was capable of as I shared about a friend who betrayed me. She heard my pain, but more importantly, she heard how I handled it, including choosing to forgive.

Forgiveness doesn’t come easily to me. One of my greatest temptations is to withhold it and instead try to exact payment. As I’ve been challenged in this area, I’ve cried out, “God, how can I forgive that?” Like a gentle tug at my soul, God brings to mind the ways in which Jesus was tempted, including the chance to refuse to forgive those who caused Him unmerited physical and emotional suffering, even to the point of death.

Jesus understands my temptation. It is through His experience that He is able to help me extend grace to others. While your temptations might look different than mine, one truth remains: we have someone who understands and desires to help us get through them.

Decide in advance to remember God’s desire to help you through times of temptation.

Stacy Voss loves to run, chase her kids, and hike in the mountains with her husband outside their Colorado home.