I will sing to the Lord all my life; I will sing praise to my God as long as I live. (Ps. 104:33)

THE CAPTURE OF CHERBOURG, FRANCE, in World War II was an important strategic objective in the Normandy invasion. Carefully planned and executed in June 1944, it secured the vital seaport in the hands of the Allies and demoralized the Nazis. In a newsreel at the time, the capture was dubbed “Gateway to Victory.”

For the followers of Christ, victory over our enemy the Devil doesn’t just happen. It requires intentional walking in the Spirit. Bible study, prayer, meditation on the Word, and fellowship with other believers are all disciplines essential to victorious living. And then there is the subject of praise. When our hearts and minds are filled with praises to God, we are intimate with His indwelling Spirit—and there’s no room for Satan’s temptation.

Praise begins with an understanding of the magnificence and sufficiency of our God. Psalm 104 reminds us of His power to create, His ability to provide for all creatures, and His control over each breath they take. Authentic praise stems from a heart that is yielded to God’s sovereignty. It’s acknowledging our increasing dependence upon Him, as opposed to the human flesh’s penchant for independence.

When it comes to defeating the enemy, it’s crucial to have omnipotence on your side. Praise God for your dependence upon His power.

Make Psalm 104 your song of majestic praise to the Lord today.

Nancy Reinke lives in Oregon with her artist husband. She enjoys writing, quilting, gardening, and encouraging others.