Our fathers worshiped on this mountain, but you Jews claim that the place where we must worship is in Jerusalem. (John 4:20)
WHY DID THE PLACE OF WORSHIP cause such a debate between the Jews and the Samaritans? And what did it mean when Jesus responded to the woman at the well with, “Believe me, woman, a time is coming when you will worship the Father neither on this mountain nor in Jerusalem” (John 4:21)?
After much study, I understood. The Lord was not indicating that it didn’t matter where one worshiped. His emphasis was that in the light of His coming as Messiah and Savior, worshipers would be recognized by their worship of the Father through the Son.
I learned that only through the power of the Holy Spirit is one able to worship the Lord. And that a person must worship not by external conformity, but inwardly with a proper heart attitude.
Many years ago, I attended a church service where the people’s love for the Lord was contagious as they worshiped by quoting Scripture and thanking Him with heartfelt words. Then each person, children included, sang a love song to the Lord like they had seen the sunrise for the first time.
Do you recall what your attitude and heart response was during yesterday’s church service? Today let’s be like those worshipers and worship the Lord our God in song. May others know by our heart action how much we love Him.
List some other ways, besides singing, that you will worship the Lord today.
Priscilla Tate Gilmore is a freelance writer in Salem, Oregon. She enjoys gardening and all types of crafts.