My dear brothers, take note of this. (James 1:19)

POST-IT NOTES once kept our lives in order. Whether we were Type A, ordered personalities or more scattered in our organization, a Post- It note was a life-saver. At the beginning of this passage concerning hearing and action, James wants us to make a note of what is to come. He is waking up his readers. “Post this at all the intersections of your life,” he seems to be shouting. In other words, what we are about to read is so important, so life-changing that we will refer to it again and again.

However, a Post-It note will not get the job done. We need something more lasting. This brief section in James is so full of the grace of Christ we must take out a permanent marker and write down it’s significant. We are to remember this as of utmost importance. We are to have our best listening ears on, our memories engaged, and our full attention on what comes next.

Think of it as making a permanent note to carry with you into the challenges of relationships, the difficulties of life, and the tests of faith. Let it be your reminder of who you are and whose you are. Perhaps, you’ve experienced those times when you want to be reminded of a mile-marker in the journey of faith.

Write down something specific God is speaking to you today.

Brian Niece is a former pastor who is now pursuing a PhD, writing, spending time with his wife and three kids, and watching way too much football.

© 2018 Wesleyan Publishing House. Reprinted from Light from the Word. Used by permission.