Oh, how I love your law! (Ps. 119:97)
TODAY’S PSALM INCLUDES JEWELS, like diamonds that emit dazzling light. Our minds seem to come alive when we yield to the Spirit and allow His thoughts and emotions to expand our hearts. The cares of this world fall away.
My heart often utters, “Oh, how I love your law!” (Ps. 119:97) and causes me to kiss my Bible. When I remember, “You . . . have taught me” (v. 102), I feel like a child that is safe in the Father’s arms.
“How sweet are your words to my taste, sweeter than honey to my mouth” (v. 103) speaks volumes of practical truth to my soul. When asked what book you would take to a desert island if you could take only one, a wise person would automatically reply, “My Bible.”
One of the most dangerous things about being alone on a desert island is just that—being alone. Although we are social beings; the promise from Jesus, the Lamb of God: “Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you” (Heb. 13:5) is a fountain we can draw from daily, as we walk, talk, and fellowship with our Lord and best Friend.
We are never alone if we know Jesus. We never eat alone. We never walk alone.
Embrace the Lamb of God and you will find what you have been looking for.
Bob Segress has served as a pastor, licensed psychologist, college educator, and prison minister. He currently lives in Surprise, Arizona.