Listen to today’s devo!

“Isn’t this the carpenter’s son? Isn’t his mother’s name Mary, and aren’t his brothers James, Joseph, Simon and Judas?” (Matt. 13:55)

Expanded Passage: Matthew 13:55

Have you ever made a decision you knew wouldn’t make everyone happy and might be confusing to many? We have all been there, and if we are honest, we have a God who is in the business of inviting us into seasons and callings that others may not understand or agree with. Often, those around us can’t see the bigger picture of what God has planned, which can bring misunderstanding and criticism. There is always a bigger picture to what God is doing, and we are called to trust and have faith in our piece of the picture.

In this verse, we see those in Jesus’ hometown questioning Jesus’ identity as the Messiah sent by God. Those who saw Jesus grow up began to call out his humble beginnings, not fully understanding who Jesus was. The community was offended and turned off by the signs and wonders Jesus was doing. Those in Jesus’ hometown couldn’t see past their initial earthly knowledge of Jesus, and they missed the invitation to have faith to see the bigger picture.

Have we missed out on the invitation to believe and see more of the bigger picture because of “who” God was using? We are called into spaces to see the divine work of God in everyone and invite others to see the divine work God is doing in others and in ourselves.

Be intentional to see the divine work of God in everyone.

Maggie Slusher serves student-athletes at Wayne State University (MI). She is passionate about doing life together as a community and walking towards Jesus every step of the way.

© 2024 Wesleyan Publishing House. Reprinted from Light from the Word. Used by permission. Scriptures taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV®.