Below are some suggestions & ideas to become more aware of what’s going on:
- Pray through the “I Was A Stranger” 40 day bookmark.
- Host a workshop
- Start a small group study
- Preach a sermon (click here for examples)
- Research Local demographics. Use this link to research demographics for a community.
- Meet with student support specialist from your local school corporation
- Connect with the WIC/DCF department in your area (Women, Infants and Children)
- Contact Immigrant Connection at to be signed up for the newsletter and join the “Wesleyan Immigration Think Tank” on Facebook
- Watch “The Stranger” Film and share it with your church:
- Host an Immigrant Connection or Immigration Alliance Leader to share an immigration workshop or conference at your church
- Read and share this resource booklet published by the French Bible Society: A journey through the Bible for migrants
- Worship at an immigrant church
- Go out to coffee with an immigrant or have their family over for a meal
- Engage with local community resources
- With an immigrant church that is more experienced at this
- With a community organization
- With ongoing community initiatives
- With other immigrant coalition churches in your area
- With already recognized sites
- With pastors/members of organizations who can help you communicate issues (panel discussions, workshops, etc.)