Immigrant Connection Shadowing Experience
This shadowing experience will offer hands-on immigration legal services practice, program management experience and basic work on completing the BIA application for recognition and accreditation.
This shadowing experience will offer hands-on immigration legal services practice, program management experience and basic work on completing the BIA application for recognition and accreditation.
As we Wesleyans often say, immigration is an issue, but immigrants are people. We must always remind ourselves that these situations impact real people—our brothers and sisters in Christ.
See this map of how dozens of Wesleyan churches are transforming their communities by offering low cost legal services and the love of Jesus Christ to their immigrant neighbors.
The Immigrant Connection office at La Iglesia El Camino in Greenville, South Carolina was featured in this news report.
“I cannot believe all the depth and significance of the training that is happening at this! I believe God is going to use this ministry in ways we cannot yet even grasp…” Dr. Jo Anne Lyon
Iglesia El Camino joins a group of churches and leaders who are choosing to make a difference in their community by “welcoming the stranger.”
We’re the third Wesleyan church to become an Immigrant Connection site, but I can imagine sites being started across the nation.
Radiant Church, una dinámica Iglesia de Los Wesleyan, que tiene 4 años y esta localizada en Des Moisnes, IA, sostuvo recientemente Un taller de dos horas para pastores de su comunidad acerca de la defensa de inmigración.
Radiant Church, a dynamic 4-year old Wesleyan church in Des Moines, IA, recently held a 2-hour immigration advocacy workshop for pastors in their community.
Interested in becoming more aware & building relationships with the immigrants in your community? Click here for suggestions & ideas.
For Churches who want to take action and launch an immigration legal ministry site, we have listed five immediate action steps below.
What might be an evangelical response to the November 2014 US Presidential executive orders on immigration?
Immigrant Connection BIA Grant Pastor’s Recommendation Form.
Immigrant Connection Board Of Immigration Appeals Training Grant Form.
It was “Probadita de México,” or “Taste of Mexico,” at The Bridge Community Church in Logansport, Indiana.
Pastor Johanna Rugh serves as the Director for the Equip Component in the Immigrant Connection
La iglesia First Wesleyan Church comparte el amor de Dios a travez de clases de ingles.
The First Wesleyan Church demonstrated the love of God through ESL classes.
The Federal Government, through the Board of Immigration Appeals, allows accredited, non-lawyers associated with non-profit organizations to practice immigration law.
Open the way for new approaches to mission and ministry in response to:
Immigration & Migration,
Globalization, Urbanization, Exploitation
City Life Church responds to the need of the immigrant through citizenship classes.
La Iglesia City Life responde a las necesidades de los inmigrantes ofreciendo clases de ciudadanía.
Mientras celebramos nuestra independencia, recordemos de donde hemos venido.
During our celebration of Independence, let us remember how our ancestors arrived.