Open the way for new approaches to mission and ministry in response to Immigration, Migration, Globalization, Urbanization and exploitation at the annual Mission Leaders Conference in Atlanta, Georgia September 25-27, 2014. To view the full conference schedule, click here.

Leading up to this year’s Mission Leaders Conference there will be five pre-conference events.

One of these events is the Church-Based Ministry to Immigrants lab, which will focus on how we can reach out to the diaspora that live in our communities. You will have the opportunity to learn vision and talking points to use when mobilizing immigrant ministry in your church or denomination. Practical guidance and training will be provided around launching an immigration legal ministry. This lab will be held on Thursday morning, September 25 and is open to anyone attending—but it will have special appeal for churches and those who attended the Church Connection Tour in June 2014.

Speakers Include:

  • Damon Schroeder, Executive Director, Immigration Coalition & Director, US Church Mobilization, WorldRelief
  • Jenny Yang, Vice President of Advocacy and Policy, World Relief
  • Courtney Tudi, Managing Attorney of Capacity Building, World Relief
  • Leith Anderson, President, National Association of Evangelicals

If you have already registered for the Mission Leaders Conference and wish to add on this Pre-Conference Lab, please call Sue Way at 678.534.8116.