We ask you, brothers and sisters, not to become easily unsettled or alarmed by the teaching allegedly from us. (2 Thess. 2:1–2)
Tax time is a breeding ground for scammers trying to swindle unsuspecting victims out of millions of dollars. They pretend to be representatives of the IRS. Unfortunately, many people are tricked and frightened into their ploy. When asked what convinced them to believe the swindlers, they said the person seemed authentic, possessed authority, and was convincing. The con artist creates great fear and anxiety in taxpayers who are not aware of the protocol of the IRS.
In 2 Thessalonian 2, Paul was determined to settle the Thessalonians’ minds, calm their fears, and ease their shock. They really thought they missed the day of the Lord. The claims seemed credible because this report was by prophecy, report, and letter—a spiritual revelation, however, it was false. They fell for the narrative because they believed a lie and not the truth Paul had taught them. Two events had to take place: the rebellion and the revealing of the man of lawlessness. So-called leaders of the church had spread fake information, and Paul reminded them not be drawn away from the truth.
When the targets of tax deception realize they have been tricked, they usually feel embarrassed, but learn from the experience. They in turn tell others so that the scam is exposed and no one else falls prey to deception. How much more should we do the same when we discover God’s truth.
Confirm what is truth and disprove what is false!
Ladrienne Cage McFarland enjoys spending time with family, listening to music, VBS, crafting, and studying God’s Word.
© 2019 Wesleyan Publishing House. Reprinted from Light from the Word. Used by permission.