Sing to God, sing praise to his name, extol him who rides on the clouds—his name is the Lord—and rejoice before him. (Ps. 68:4)

LIFE IS NOT ALWAYS EASY. Regardless of social status, occupational position, leadership role, or financial wealth, no one is immune to adversity. Without warning, life events can alter our charted course.

When unexpected situations arise, our thoughts and emotions often become jumbled, and praise is rarely our first utterance. Instead, our likely expressions include grumbling about our unwanted scenarios. Yet, fixating on the problem is not the answer. Nor does expressing outrage or clinging to bitterness bring resolution. And contrary to a popular slogan, time does not heal all wounds.

With this knowledge, what’s a person to do? Throughout Scripture, the Lord implores us to keep our eyes focused on Him. He, the author of life and light, longs to be praised. By lifting our voices to Him, we take our eyes off the problem and, instead, focus on God who can help us find the solution. Offering praise frees our souls from harboring bitterness and allows us to release our resentment.

Still, it’s not always easy to sing praises to God, especially when our hearts are hurting and we are dealing with tragic circumstances. However, our praise connects us to the One who understands everything about us, including our pain, our trials, and our heart. And He longs to comfort us when we hurt—a process that begins with praise.

Are you feeling discouraged in the midst of your trials?

Lift praises to the One who longs to administer comfort. 

Jill Printzenhoff is a science teacher and avid reader. She enjoys kayaking, fishing, bike riding, hiking, and vacationing with her husband and their two daughters.

© 2018 Wesleyan Publishing House. Reprinted from Light from the Word. Used by permission.