Coaching for Church Planters
Coaching is a relational and intentional process designed to empower you to:
- Discern opportunities
- Discover where God is at work in your ministry
- Develop action steps to see God’s agenda become reality
Coaching is a key ingredient in church planting. Studies demonstrate that church planters beginning with a well-trained and experienced coach increase their success rate by 50%. Through regular phone calls, meetings, emails, and site visits, the coach will walk beside the planter and help the planter make key decisions, set goals to reach important milestones, and ensure all the important facets of the church planting process are covered. A coach offers support, encouragement, wisdom, accountability, and a safe place for the planter to process challenges and celebrate victories.
Find a Coach
Our CMC coaches listed below, have been trained through the Cultivate Coach Training process. All of our coaches bring a wealth of church planting knowledge and experience to the table.
Become a Coach
Coaching is a relational and intentional process designed to empower you to: discern opportunities, discover where God is at work in your ministry and develop action steps to see God’s agenda become reality
New Church Launch Coaches:
Prelaunch – Year 1
*Cultivate Certified Coaches
*Church Planting Experience
Chris Dyer
John Freed
Danielle Freed
Katie Lance
Dwight Nash
Branden Petersen
Josh Siders
Phil Tague
Jon Wiest
Phil Wiseman
Phil Struckmeyer
Melinda Priest
Andre Winters
Nate Alsdorf
Cody Bren
Brandon Hempel
Steve Hubbard
Strategic Development Coaches:
Years 1-4
*Cultivate Certified
Tim Kirkpatrick
Duane Bower
Rob Lawrence
Jeremy Summers
Chris Dyer
Dwight Nash
Cultivate Coaches:
*Cultivate Certified
Jared Bell
Gina Colburn
Matt Hooper
Brenda Smith
Tim Jones
Master Coach Trainer:
Feel free to interview a potential coach. Email Aimee Pratt to help you find the right coach within our Wesleyan network.
Be sure to check with your district leadership or sending church to see if they have any coaching recommendations from within your region.
“Having a coach allowed me to have a relational connection that empowered me to effectively pursue my church planting calling, while also keeping me centered on the Gospel and my love for people.”
– COREY ADKINS, church planter