Mike Hilson has always loved writing. As his church, New Life Church in La Plata, Maryland, continued to grow, his desire to connect people with Scripture on a personal level collided with his love to write.

By writing the Coffee with the Pastor series (books focusing on biblical characters and books of the Bible), Hilson hopes to create a place where readers can gather around a table with their favorite drink or food and have a natural conversation about biblical truth.

King David: Pursuit of the Heart of God is the first in this Wesleyan Publishing House series, and explores the life of a biblical hero desperate to serve God and His kingdom. Through Hilson’s conversational writing, you learn how King David’s mistakes and victories shaped a nation thousands of years ago and continues to shape people’s faith today.

As you read this book, Hilson wants you to remember that we cannot fully understand the beauty and power of the historical account if we spend our time insisting that this ancient character abides by our modern norms.

“Many of the practices of war and governance we see in the life of King David seem unusually brutal and even inhumane,” says Hilson. “If we could ever get our minds entirely immersed into an ancient reality . . . we would find King David to be more compassionate than most of the military rulers of his time. Don’t get so distracted by the brutality of an ancient culture that you miss the beauty of an ancient leader with a heart for God.

“King David’s life was not perfect, but that is what makes his accomplishments attainable. If people can grasp the fact that God used someone like him, they can find hope that God will also use someone like them!”

King David: Pursuit of the Heart of God is designed to draw out discussion, so grab your small group, a cup of coffee (or tea) and gain a new appreciation for this Old Testament king.

See all books in this series at wphstore.com.