Let no debt remain outstanding, except the continuing debt to love one another. (Rom. 13:8)
MANY PEOPLE ARE FAMILIAR with the work of Dave Ramsey, who teaches “financial freedom” through debt-free living. Christians are no different than the general population in their need to be financially wise; bills and life expenses come to us all. We all have to be diligent in managing the resources God has given to us. But Christians should be more aware of the debts they owe, not just financially but also in other aspects of life.
In writing to the Roman church, Paul actually recommended that the believers remain in debt, the debt to love one another. This is one obligation that should never be paid off, for it is a running account, a ledger for which no invoice could be sufficient.
Love is the fulfillment of every aspect of the law. The commandments given to Moses on Mount Sinai express God’s plan that we live in relationship with Him and with others, not defrauding Him or them in any way. Jesus said that to love God wholly and fully, and to love one’s neighbor as oneself, summed up the entire law and the teaching of the prophets. So when Paul admonished this New Testament congregation to keep a long account in love, he was, in essence, telling them to bear witness to their identity in Christ. Those who love this way are, undeniably, Christ’s.
Do a favor for someone with no expectation of a favor in return.
Valorie Quesenberry is a pastor’s wife, mother, author, speaker and editor of a publication for Christian women. She has a passion to communicate biblical truth concerning today’s issues.
© 2018 Wesleyan Publishing House. Reprinted from Light from the Word. Used by permission.