From the rising of the sun to the place where it sets, the name of the Lord is to be praised. (Ps. 113:3)


THE SUPER BOWL IS THE GAME to watch for both fans and nonfans of football. Nonfans will focus on the celebrities present, advertisements, and the half-time show, while fans will go all in for the game. However, there are two types of football fans. The first is the team-loyal fan. These individuals will watch football only when their team is participating. After their team is eliminated, they are done for the season until the Super Bowl. Then, they become the individuals watching the advertisements and half-time show. The all-in football fan watches all the way to the Super Bowl. Even if their favorite team loses, they simply find another team to support. They watch the game because they love football. For them, what team is playing doesn’t matter. They simply love the sport.

The all-in football fan reminds me of how we should respond to God. Just as they watch the game because they love the sport, our praise should come from our love for God regardless of how our situation currently looks. From sunup to sunset, we should praise simply because we love him, even if the circumstances of life are not working in our favor.

When we learn to praise God through our circumstances, then we make room for him to use our circumstances to influence the lives of others.


During difficult situations, remember to stop and thank God for his love.


Tara Klein, a lover of words, shares her imperfect, unconventional Christian journey as a female, mother, and wife to invite others into God’s unconditional love.


© 2019 Wesleyan Publishing House. Reprinted from Light from the Word. Used by permission.