“I myself will gather the remnant of my flock . . . and will bring them back to their pasture, where they will be fruitful and increase in number.” (Jer. 23:3)
WE WATCHED WITH TOTAL DEVASTATION and helplessness as our neighbors’ house burned to the ground. Fortunately, no one lost their life that day. However, the house and all their possessions were gone. The family could not live in a house destroyed. They were temporarily relocated, taking with them only the clothes on their backs. The community and local Red Cross provided for their immediate needs. But this displacement did not keep them away for long. They built a new house that was larger and better than the previous one.
God’s chosen people, the Israelites, were being killed by their enemies, suffering a famine, and being held in captivity in other countries far from their homeland. God may have allowed the suffering, but His grace did not keep them from their homes indefinitely. Those who chose to repent of their sin and return to their homeland did and thrived. They grew in God’s grace and prospered.
When tragedy strikes our home in various ways, we may have a time when leaving seems to be the only option for survival. Trusting God to care for us will allow Him to rebuild, restore, and redeem the remnants of our lives, resulting in something far greater and more beautiful than we could ever imagine we would have.
Trust God’s ways for the increase in your life.
Carol Jimerson works as a letter carrier and enjoys gardening, canning, being a grandma, and taking photos.
© 2017 Wesleyan Publishing House. Reprinted from Light from the Word. Used by permission.