Wesleyans in the news
Two Wesleyan churches are in the top 100 largest and fastest growing in the U.S., a South Dakota church talks faith and security in wake of the Texas church tragedy, IWU dedicates space to student veterans and more.
Two Wesleyan churches are in the top 100 largest and fastest growing in the U.S., a South Dakota church talks faith and security in wake of the Texas church tragedy, IWU dedicates space to student veterans and more.
Wesleyans in the Carolinas are stepping up to help those recently plagued by flood waters in South Carolina, known as the “1,000 year event.”
Outreach magazine has released its annual list of fastest-growing churches in America. Remarkably, three of the 100 fastest-growing churches are Wesleyan.
On January 22, “newhopers” celebrated the 10th anniversary of newhope Church (Wesleyan) in Durham, North Carolina. The church is part of the North Carolina East District.