Listen to today’s devo!

All the believers were together. (Acts 2:44)

A little brick church with a small congregation on the edge of town was the setting for our “early church” experience. This young church had been started by a layman with a heart for lost people. Just out of college, my husband was invited to be the pastor. Without experience, we were expected to shepherd people and lead the church. Early on, we learned the value of fellowship, and that it is much more than potluck dinners or other activities. Together, we became a circle of learners, worshipers, and pilgrims journeying life together. From time spent in homes or in small groups, we became close in spirit, drawing strength from each other to go on.

Three thousand people responded to Peter’s salvation message at Pentecost. What a scene! Peter and the other apostles may have asked the same question that they had been asked: “Brothers, what shall we do?” Receiving Christ as Lord changed lives from the inside out. Selfish living turned into generosity and love for others. Homes were opened to get together and grow together. Being in fellowship resulted in praising God, changing lifestyles, and attracting others to Christ.

Getting together for prayer, interaction, fellowship, and breaking bread is great encouragement. We need each other, and the Holy Spirit’s presence is what binds our hearts together.

Reach out to a circle of people and create some “early church” togetherness.

Jeanette Vermilya is ministry director at Shunem House. She has served with her husband, Jim, in overseas and pastoral ministry in The Wesleyan Church for over fifty-five years.


© 2022 Wesleyan Publishing House. Reprinted from Light from the Word. Used by permission. Scriptures taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV®.