Listen to today’s devo!

“Abraham believed God, and it was credited to him as righteousness.” (James 2:23)

Expanded Passage: James 2:14-26

We all know at least one person who radiates Jesus wherever they go. They make us feel seen and emanate holy love through their compassion and kindness. We come to count on them to elevate the mood or the conversation and to be ready to step in and help when they can. We see true evidence of their love for Jesus in the way that they live.

Radical transformation is available to every follower of Jesus. We can all radiate Jesus, even if that is a drastic change from who we once were. As we grow in faith and abide with Christ, we become more like him. Our desires and tendencies change, our thoughts are different, and the outflow of our actions start to align with God’s heart. It’s this outflow that reveals the changes that are happening inside of us.

Our changed behavior might be surprising to others, not to mention to ourselves! But it’s not a surprise to God. In fact, he delights in it because it is in his nature to replace ashes with beauty. The God who called each thing that he made “good” declared the pinnacle of his creation “very good.” And on this side of the cross, as we glory in our salvation and yield to the Holy Spirit’s transforming power, our changed lives radiate Jesus to the world.

Marvel at the way God has changed you from the inside out.

Elizabeth Rhyno is a wife and mom, life and faith coach, wellness entrepreneur, and worship pastor. She is a champion for helping people let joy loose by uncovering their God-designed purpose.

© 2024 Wesleyan Publishing House. Reprinted from Light from the Word. Used by permission. Scriptures taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV®.