Jesus replied, “Foxes have holes and birds of the air have nests, but the Son of Man has no place to lay his head.” (Luke 9:58)
CUSTOM-BUILT HOMES can be beautiful, comfortable, and expensive. Last spring, a custom-built home in one of our evergreens was beautiful and comfortable, but it was also safe and cost-free. It was a nest. A dove had carefully constructed it in a cluster of pine needles at the end of a very thin branch. There, she deposited three eggs that produced three tiny doves. Because the nest rested several feet off the ground at the end of a narrow branch, neither a cat nor a squirrel could get to it. Because the mother bird had secured it to a clump of pine needles, the nest simply swayed securely back and forth in the wind. Momma certainly knew what she was doing. Of course, when their wings were strong, the doves flew away.
Although Jesus owned no real estate on earth, He promised He would prepare a place for us in heaven (John 14:2). Most, if not all of us enjoy a comfortable, secure house; but someday we will “fly away” to a home that will be much more beautiful, comfortable, and secure than our current one. Our home in heaven will never require upkeep, demand property taxes, or be stuffy or drafty. It will be perfect in every way because the Carpenter of Nazareth is the architect and builder.
Offer thanks to the Lord today for a roof over your head and for the place He is preparing for you in heaven.
Jim Dyet and his wife, Gloria, have been married fifty-four years. They live in Colorado Springs. Jim enjoys daily walks with his small dogs and playing golf with friends.