Strategic calling in ALL places
Wesleyans are seeking ways their career might give them access to a people without access to the gospel.
Wesleyans are seeking ways their career might give them access to a people without access to the gospel.
Keith Drury followed God’s call in raising up the next generation.
Ordinary people have extraordinary influence.
Do we believe it? Can we see it?
Wesleyan educational institutions nurture, equip and prepare each student to lean into being a transforming presence for Christ.
Discipling people around the world to become a “transforming power of ONE” for the kingdom of God.
Wesleyans across the globe believe prayer is our greatest resource.
Through the Spirit we live united so others may live and believe.
The Homestead provides a healing and transforming presence for trafficking survivors.
New Life Gillette is employing innovative, entrepreneurial outreach to be a transforming presence in their community.
One life dedicated to serving Jesus makes a big impact.
Praying on Offense invites us to be a transforming presence for others ONE moment at a time.