If I have not love
What quality of love are you giving to others?
What quality of love are you giving to others?
What one irritating parental directive teaches us about faith.
Stewarding our disagreements necessitates asking the right questions of ourselves and others.
Our online presence matters, because it’s interconnected to our physical selves and has real-world repercussions.
I have read or quoted Isaiah 41:10 many times. One day, these words hit me afresh after my health scare.
We, as Wesleyans, have the power and the grace through the Holy Spirit to be courageous in ministering to society.
If you are looking to be freed from your slavery, then there is a promised land for you.
Al final del día, no se trata solo de transformar una cultura, una iglesia o una denominación. Se trata de personas.
At the end of the day, it’s not only about transforming a culture, church or denomination. It’s about people.
What does church revitalization look like as a result of the pandemic?
Biblical wound care enters the spiritual battle that accompanies the processes of healing, balancing harmful responses with truth and unconditional love.
How do we intentionally seek how, who, where and what to communicate as we make disciples?
This October, during Pastor Appreciation Month, let’s be quick to celebrate the service of the men and women who so faithfully and humbly lead in their ministries each day.
Seemingly small actions speak a profoundly larger message when it comes to discipleship.
Whereas the religious power brokers of his day used the table to exclude people, Jesus used the table to include people.
When God created man and woman in his creative image, he didn’t then ask them to sit back and watch.
My privileges meant a head start and not dealing with barriers and challenges people of color must persevere through almost daily.
You can have a mess without movement. But you cannot have a movement without mess.
Faculty and staff in the John Wesley Honors College at Indiana Wesleyan University provide a list of information and resources on racial reconciliation.
How can we, as individuals, churches and a movement, address systemic racism and racial reconciliation?
There is a form of learning uniquely linked to leading, and with it comes the scars and joys of building something lasting.
Journey with me as we learn together how to lead, encourage and engage in the areas of multiethnic ministry and racial reconciliation.
Scripture provides what could be historical hinge points to learn from, prompting us to ask three questions in light of this era: are we in exodus, exile or diaspora?
May God help each of us to see the world through God’s eyes in these days.