Featured News

Dios el Padre

Dios el Padre

Dios es nuestro Padre, es la metáfora más poderosa en la cual Dios nos ayuda a empezar a verlo a Él y a nuestra relación con Él con mayor claridad.

God as Father

God as Father

The most powerful metaphor for God helps us begin to see him and our relationship with him more clearly.

Gathering of nomads

Gathering of nomads

One Wesleyan family’s choice to follow God’s call is laying the groundwork for a ministry movement among the growing community of nomads in America.

Uno en tres

Uno en tres

La doctrina de la Trinidad nos invita a apoyarnos en Dios y Su Palabra, buscando comprender para edificar nuestra fe.

One in three

One in three

The doctrine of the Trinity invites us to lean in to God and his Word, seeking to understand so we might build our faith.



Los colaboradores wesleyanos crean momentos de discipulado, preservando y transmitiendo nuestra fe a través de la serie Artículos de Fe del 2023-2024.

We believe

We believe

Wesleyan contributors create discipleship moments, preserving and passing on our faith through the 2023-2024 Articles of Religion series.



ZERO Collective welcomes 77 commitments to Christ on frigid Christmas weekend services.