I have found David my servant. . . . My hand will sustain him. (Ps. 89:20–21)
MISS PAM—a diminutive, red-headed woman—belonged for years to my father’s church. She painted nursery walls, cleaned toilets, fed hungry mouths, and rocked babies. When asked for receipts for the reimbursement of funds for her projects, she shrugged and said, “I’ve lost the receipts.” I watched her consistently serve others, yet she sought no reward. Her name never made headlines, but she was a hero to many. In Pam, God found a servant.
David, the king of Israel, came from lowly beginnings. Before he led thousands in battle, he cared for animals. God was pleased by David’s heart. He exalted David to the throne. David became the “hero of Israel.” God promised him strength, deliverance, and sustenance.
God found David among sheep—such an unlikely place to find a future king. God still seeks servants. He finds them serving in a homeless shelter or home for abused women. He finds them cleaning the church building. He finds them teaching a Bible class every Sunday. He finds them offering prayers on behalf of the troubled. He finds them taking meals to a sick neighbor.
God knows your unique service to Him. He keeps the records. In the kingdom of God in the age to come, those who are lowly will be exalted. Your work may not be publicized, but it is an offering to God. When He finds a willing servant, He fulfills His promises. He makes them heroes for His glory.
God seeks faithful servants to become heroes for Him.
Kathleen E. Dunlap lives in Denver, Colorado, with her husband and their dog, a Great Dane mix. She enjoys reading, crocheting, running, and journaling.