Brush lines the sand road, the temperature is already 90◦ at 9:00 a.m. We drive up to the Bible college seeing students’ children playing on the wooden handmade jungle gym. Some have shirts with holes, most are barefoot. They have no toys, but are all talking and climbing happily.

As we enter the classroom, fifty-two faces eagerly study the World Hope visitors assembled in front of the classroom. A student begins to sing; others join in shuffling their feet and clapping their hands. These first few days of Bible school are for testimonies. One student tells how she and her husband went to work in a new area. They planted a church as lay leaders and some people began harassing them even starting a fire in their house. She says they will not give up. Another testifies that he was a successful entrepreneur, but God called him to leave that behind for now, and study His word. A third testifies that his grandfather was a witchdoctor, but he has decided to follow Christ.

Minimum wage here is $100 a month. Most of our students come with only a suitcase of belongings for their whole family for the year. They are unable to pay tuition or board and so they help the school with cleaning and basic maintenance, just like American work study programs. They don’t always have sufficient food to eat, yet they always have a smile for those they meet and willingly put their coins in the offering. They may only own a pair of flipflops, but willingly walk a mile or two to church. Pray for the students that God will provide their needs in every way. A number get sick frequently because of being undernourished.

These pastors are desperately needed as we have dozens of churches led by new converts. The JESUS film is reaching many for Christ in new areas, but these new Christians need mature leaders. Continue to pray for us as we teach at the college that our teachings would be insightful and relevant to their lives.

The Bible school needs your help. We need donations to assist with students’ various needs.

Global Partners missionaries, Jim and Karen Pickett, are serving in Mozambique.