Daily Reading: Hebrews 11:1–6

Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see. (Heb. 11:1)

My friend’s mother, Gloria, lost her eyesight. One day she was fine, then light began to fade. Within one month, she was blind. I have often pondered what her life is like: not to see the face of a grandchild; never to marvel at a yellow and orange sunset; never celebrate a beautiful painting.

But she has amazed us all. Even in the darkness her faith has grown. Instead of seeing with outward eyes she sees with spiritual eyes. Her mind’s eye remembers the beauty she once beheld. Her spiritual eyes are focused on Jesus. Her faith is not diminished but has grown by leaps and bounds.

One cannot explain these mysteries. Yet the Bible is filled with examples of people like Gloria, men and women of faith who heard God and believed in Him. Noah built an ark when God told him to, and he didn’t even know what an ark was. Abraham left his home and all that he knew to travel to a land he had never seen. Gideon fought an army of thousands with only three hundred men.

That is faith. By focusing on what God knows and not what we know, God opens our spiritual eyes so that we may see through His eyes what is best for us and His kingdom.

Ask God to increase your faith by letting you see His world with spiritual eyes.

Marty Norman is an avid reader, loves to hike, and is passionate about mission work.