Wesleyans in the news: August 15
Do you know these Wesleyans in the news?
Do you know these Wesleyans in the news?
Do you know these Wesleyans in the news?
ALIVE Wesleyan gets into the resale business and farming to engage the community and plant churches in a unique way.
Women from ALIVE Wesleyan Church have made more than 400 dresses in the last year, all for girls who may be at risk for human trafficking.
Some Wesleyan churches have participated in a “Reverse Offering” in this Christmas season, choosing to bless countless people.
The Division of Religion at Southern Wesleyan University is moving closer to its goal of a new home, thanks to the completion of the $1.4 million Nicholson-Mitchell Christian Ministry Center campaign.
April 21 was a momentous day for the South Carolina District and SWU as the official transfer of the former First Wesleyan/ALIVE Wesleyan Church property on the SWU campus was completed.