The power of God’s Word
The Bible powerfully reveals God’s story and leads us to life in Christ.
The Bible powerfully reveals God’s story and leads us to life in Christ.
Join the conversation as we welcome Richard Meeks from the Greater Ohio District to share with us about the G3:28 project. Hear about the upcoming Freedom Tour and the Reconciliation Forums that are being birthed out of this movement.
The person of the Holy Spirit is the breath animating and renewing our lives.
Meet our new Director of Next Gen Discipleship, Rev. Santes Beatty, and hear his vision for discipling the next generation of Wesleyans. What are the challenges? What are some of the equipping tools we have?
Wesleyan Publishing House releases discipleship resources in four additional languages.
Every hero has a story, but Jesus’ story is truly epic and so good to be true.
The leader sets the bar. So what does it mean to lead in an Emotionally Healthy Way? Join the conversation today at noon ET as we explore dynamics of leading well. Joining us will be Pastors Peter Yoshonis, and Pastor Jervie Windom.
The most powerful metaphor for God helps us begin to see him and our relationship with him more clearly.
Join us as we introduce you to The Wesleyan Church’s exciting new series on the Articles of Religion. Our special guests will be Matthew Tietje and Angela Alvarado who will be unpacking what this important resource can do for you and the church.
The doctrine of the Trinity invites us to lean in to God and his Word, seeking to understand so we might build our faith.
Do you desire to dive deeper into God’s word but are limited by your available resources? Join us on February 14th to see the new and affordable options Logos Bible software has available for you and your church.
Through fervent prayer, deep caring and leaning into Acts 1:8, CMAD is following where the Spirit is leading.
Do you struggle with developing fresh expressions for holiday outreach in your community? Struggle no longer. It is time to prepare ourselves for the season of Advent. Join us on Wednesday, November 9th at 12:00 PM ET for Discipleship Conversations.
True spiritual growth and maturity will always lead believers outward to engage the world with the good news and truth of Jesus. Today, we will be talking with Kevin and Sherry Harney authors of “Organic Disciples.”
Have you been wondering how The Wesleyan Church is recognizing the signs of the times and preparing for a revival-like movement of seeing lives, churches, and communities transformed by the hope and holiness of Jesus Christ? Join the conversation!
What does it look like when Emotionally Healthy Spirituality is integrated into the life of a church beyond an occasional class? Join me as I welcome the team from Fusion Community Church to share their ongoing journey with EHS.
Wesleyans believe laity are called to be ministers, engaging in God’s transformative work in the world.
In each season of life, Dr. Jeanne Argot helps others know God.
What happens at General Conference? Who can attend? What is a memorial? You’ve got questions and I’m inviting the Communication Team from headquarters to a webinar on May 10 at noon to help unpack the mysteries of The Wesleyan General Conference.
It’s on everyone’s radar, and we want to talk about it: Mental Health in the Church. Join me on Tuesday, April 12 at noon ET as I welcome folks from our Wesleyan family who are speaking into this issue.
Ever wonder if there is a way to harness this moment in history and the technological advancements available to us for Kingdom good? Today’s discipleship webinar will explore “Modern Technology & Ancient Faith.”
Clergy have been under an intense season of ministry. Sabbaticals are one way to combat burnout and promote renewal. But how do you go about planning one, and prepping your congregation? Let’s talk about it.
We live in a world that is increasingly complex. Many pastors and leaders are hearing from congregants that they feel anxious and afraid of the future. Join us as we talk about “Anxiety in the Pew.”
Celebration and guardrails have driven CMAD’s work to close the Gospel Gap in 2021.