
Marketplace Multipliers Launch Event

Marketplace Multipliers Launch Event

Launch Event – April 17,  11 AM Eastern Launch Event April 17,  11 AM Eastern Register to Attend God expects the church to be carriers of His love to the world! How can the Church accomplish this task? By all Christian’s willingness to minister, sharing...
Cultural Intelligence: Discipleship Implications

Cultural Intelligence: Discipleship Implications

We are commanded to love God and love others well. Becoming familiar with elements of Cultural Intelligence can assist us in understanding and reaching out to others. Join us in a conversation: Cultural Intelligence: Discipleship Implications.

Discipling the Next Generation

Discipling the Next Generation

How are you discipling the next generation at your church? Join us as we discuss this with The Wesleyan Church’s Director of NextGen Multiplication and Discipleship, Zach Coffin, and Anthony Smith from Mission House.

Discipling Across the Aisles

Discipling Across the Aisles

What does it mean to disciple people in the midst of a polarized nation? Let’s talk about it and then pray for our nation on Tuesday, November 10th at noon.

Catalytic Conversations

Catalytic Conversations

Would you like to connect with a Wesleyan community to share in shaping discipleship culture that is relevant to your starting point? Join our next Discipleship Conversation to hear how we are expanding discipleship conversations across the spectrum.

Cultural Intelligence in the Church

Cultural Intelligence in the Church

Do you have a desire to disciple across ethnic lines? Do you want to grow your church’s Cultural Intelligence? On July 14 at noon EST join a Discipleship Conversation webinar on Cultural Intelligence in the Church.

Race, Resistance & Righteousness

Race, Resistance & Righteousness

Do you ever wonder if there is a relationship between racism, resistance, and righteousness? How does a Christian world view impact daily living in times of challenge and turbulence?

Digital Discipleship

Digital Discipleship

In this new media age, we offer worship services online, but what do we do about discipleship? How do we answer the call of the Great Commission in digital space? Join the Discipleship Conversation on Tuesday, June 9 at noon EST.

COVID 19 & Wesleyan Communities of Color

COVID 19 & Wesleyan Communities of Color

What are the discipleship implications for communities of color disproportionately affected by the Covid19 virus? How can we support one another? Hear first-hand experiences from Wesleyan brothers and sisters across our denomination.

Worship As Discipleship

Worship As Discipleship

Retooling your worship service? What elements make for effective discipleship through worship? The landscape has changed for many, but the underlying principles remain relevant. Join the conversation with Josh Lavender, Maribeth Jennings and others.

Worship: a disciplined discipleship

Worship: a disciplined discipleship

When the songs we sing not only offer praises to a God mightily deserving of our offerings but also continue to inform us of his character and goodness, worship becomes an act of discipleship.

Discipleship in Marriage

Discipleship in Marriage

Have you ever thought about how marriage can be used in discipleship and in reality is discipleship? Join us as guests, John and Becci Wood share just how God’s design in marriage is a very real tool in drawing people to Himself.

Cultural Impact on Discipleship

Cultural Impact on Discipleship

Culture comes to church and walks in the door with you. Join Kimberly Gladden for a conversation with several different discipleship practitioners as we discuss “The Cultural Impact of Discipleship“ on Thursday, December 19 at noon EST.

Discipleship in a Digital Age

Discipleship in a Digital Age

How do we do effective discipleship in an age where the discipling landscape has changed? New technologies, social media opportunities, changing expectations, how does this impact our disciple-making strategies? Let’s talk about it.