Thrive In 5: Physical – Bone Health
The skeletal system is very important to the human body.
The skeletal system is very important to the human body.
Sometimes, the best jumpstart to a vibrant spiritual life is a return to ordinary life and tasks.
Compassionate acceptance is a central part of Rev. Ruiz’s approach to ministry.
Rev. Edinson and Lilian Camacho’s Work in Building a Hispanic Network of Churches in South Carolina
Jesus was a famously good storyteller. On hillsides and shorelines, Jesus held audiences spellbound with his way of sharing in images and narratives that expressed core human needs.
He Sapa New Life has established a large community-based youth outreach program this past year to reach these youth by providing alternative positive activities and mentoring
Chaplain Amber Kunkel becomes first female chaplain in Hurlburt’s 79-year history.
Our greatest challenge as a society is the lack of leaders; the lack of people being ready and desiring to help others. How do we find new leaders? Leaders are not found: they are encountered, equipped, and empowered.
“Sometimes pastors don’t avail themselves of things until there is a crisis; we’re trying to encourage pastors to be thinking ahead about what kinds of habits of mind and heart they can begin to make part of their life before there’s a crisis,”
Clergy care coordinators reach out to pastors and their families with prayers and calls and facilitate pastors’ access to resources like counseling or educational funding.
While pastors’ spouses are as much in the spotlight as their partners, they’re less often handed a live microphone and an empty stage. We wanted to find out what pastor’s spouses – both pastors’ husbands and pastors’ wives – had to say about life in
Research shows that the most significant relationship for pastors’ well-being is with their congregations.
Through the Thrive Financial Initiative pastors who experience financial stresses can find help spiritually, intellectually, relationally, and financially.
On the first afternoon of General Conference in Buffalo, N.Y., full-to-overflowing crowds were rewarded with high quality seminars.