God is spirit, and his worshipers must worship in spirit and in truth. (John 4:24)

Vikki was dying, and she knew it. She was a young, divorced mother with a booming career, a dynamic community influence, and an outspoken blog. For nearly four years, I watched and prayed as she fought to survive and as she juggled spiritual issues in a way that gave her comfort and a sense of control over life.

Vikki carried crystals to chemo sessions, sought a faith healer in Brazil, joined health spas, and encouraged prayers from every religion. She believed all paths led to the same god, and efforts to speak of the one, true God were met with deaf ears. Truth was not welcomed.

Jesus declared that worshipers of God must worship Him in spirit and in truth, and He offered no options or shortcuts. Any doubts about one path to God were dispelled by Christ, who said, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me” (John 4:16).

The Samaritan woman had some understanding about worship and knew of the promised Messiah, but lacked full knowledge of the truth. Because she was willing to listen and be taught by Jesus, however, she and her village neighbors received eternal life from the Savior of the world. Their worship was perfected through belief in Jesus Christ, and this is the worship that God seeks from all of us.

Give someone you know the words of Jesus today.

Carol Chase and her husband live in Surrey, British Columbia. She is a retired administrative supervisor, enjoys gardening, and loves to pray for others.