Fund a church planter
Congregational Style Church Plant Startup Grant - $10K
The Church Multiplication Collective of The Wesleyan Church is committed to providing $10,000
Startup Grant for every qualifying autonomous church plant that is planting a congregational style church.
*This new grant will be available upon receiving and approving the application; and as this Startup Grant fund allows.
In order to quality for the startup grant, church planters must:
- Provide a copy of an official assessment report from one of the CMC’s Church Planting Assessment Centers (or an equivalent Assessment Center), or a Wiring Assessment Report.
- Provide documentation showing District Board of Administration (DBA) approval of the new church plant.
- Be registered with The Wesleyan Church (Information found HERE→).
- Please provide documentation showing your participation in an Essentials Training or other kind of church planting training. State the name, location, and date of the training you were involved in. (Information found HERE→)
- Provide a copy of a one-year church planting coaching agreement with a CMC Certified/Approved Coach. (Information found HERE→)
- Provide a copy of your prospectus or other form of documentation detailing your ministry plans, budget, timeline, and launch date. Include plans for future multiplication.
Upon receipt and approval of the application, the CMC will bless you with a check in the name of the new church.
*Sending Church Connections (SCCs) and campuses cannot apply.
If you have any questions, please email Jesse Pratt and Aimee Pratt.
Micro Church Network Startup Grant - $4K
The Church Multiplication Collective of The Wesleyan Church is committed to providing a $4,000 startup grant for every qualifying micro church plant network that has at least three separate units, each with their own leader.
*This new grant will be available upon receiving and approving the application; and as this startup grant fund allows.
In order to qualify, church planters must:
- Provide a copy of an official assessment report from one of the CMC’s Church Planting Assessment Centers (or an equivalent Assessment Center), or a Wiring Assessment Report.
- Provide documentation showing District Board of Administration (DBA) approval of the new church plant.
- Be registered with The Wesleyan Church (Information found HERE→).
- Please provide documentation showing your participation in an Essentials Training or other kind of church planting training. State the name, location, and date of the training you were involved in. (Information found HERE→
- Provide a copy of a one-year church planting coaching agreement with a CMC Certified/Approved Coach. (Information found HERE→)
- Provide a copy of your prospectus or other form of documentation detailing your ministry plans, budget, and timeline. Include plans for future multiplication.
- Provide evidence of having at least three separate units that each have their own leader.
Upon receipt and approval of the application, the CMC will bless you with a check in the name of the new church.
*Sending Church Connections (SCCs) and campuses cannot apply.
If you have any questions, please email Jesse Pratt and Aimee Pratt.
Post-Launch Coaching Grant - $2K
In addition to the Start-Up Grant, The Church Multiplication Collective of the Wesleyan Church is committed to providing a post-launch one-time coaching grant up to $2,000 that is available to Wesleyan Church plants within the first two years following their launch.
*This grant will be available upon receiving and approving the grant application; and as this grant fund allows.
- Provide a copy of an official report from one of the CMC’s regional Church Planting Assessment Centers (or an equivalent Assessment Center) or a Wiring Assessment Report.
- Provide documentation showing the church plant is registered with The Wesleyan Church.
- Please provide documentation showing your participation in an Essentials Training or other kind of church planting training. State the name, location, and date of the training you were involved in.
- Commit to a one-year coaching relationship with a CMC Certified/Approved Coach. Please provide a copy of a signed coaching agreement.
- Provide proof of expenditure that displays the total cost of coaching relationship.
*Sending Church Connections (SCCs) and campuses cannot apply.
Upon receipt and approval, the CMC will bless you with a check in the name of the church.
If you have any questions, please email Jesse Pratt and Aimee Pratt.
Multipliers Church Plant Grant - $5k
The Church Multiplication Collective of The Wesleyan Church is committed to providing $5,000 grant for autonomous church plants that are committed to church multiplication from the very beginning.
*This new grant will be available upon receiving and approving the application; and as this Startup Grant fund allows.
In order to quality for the startup grant, church planters must:
- Complete the Congregational Style Start Up Grant or the Micro Network Start Up Grant. (Information found HERE→)
- Provide a copy of an official assessment report from one of the CMC’s Church Planting Assessment Centers (or an equivalent Assessment Center), or a Wiring Assessment Report.
- Provide documentation showing District Board of Administration (DBA) approval of the new church plant.
- Be registered with The Wesleyan Church (Information found HERE→).
- Please provide documentation showing your participation in an Essentials Training or other kind of church planting training. State the name, location, and date of the training you were involved in. (Information found HERE→)
- Provide a copy of a one-year church planting coaching agreement with a CMC Certified/Approved Coach. (Information found HERE→)
- Provide a copy of your prospectus or other form of documentation detailing your ministry plans, budget, timeline, and launch date.
- Submit an electronic document detailing your church multiplication plans and a commitment to plant at least one autonomous church by the third year of the plant (post-launch).
Plans must demonstrate:- A Line item in the church plant’s budget or a percentage of the tithes & offerings being designated toward funding church planting after launch.
- An emphasis on planter development, such as, starting a church planting residency or engaging in a church planting network.
Upon receipt and approval of the application, the CMC will bless you with a check in the name of the new church.
*Sending Church Connections (SCCs), campuses, and multisite projects cannot apply.
If you have any questions, please email Jesse Pratt and Aimee Pratt.
Hephzibah 62:4/CMC Church Plant Grant - $9k
Hephzibah62:4, in partnership with the Church Multiplication Collective, has designed our Church Plant Grant process to equip your church plant with the tools you need to create, grow, and sustain effective ministry to vulnerable children in your community. Qualified and approved church plants are eligible for up to $9,000 in ministry grant funding, paid in three annual installments.
Post-Launch Booster Grant - Starts at $5k
The Church Multiplication Collective of the Wesleyan Church is committed to providing a grant for autonomous church plants committed to church multiplication from the very beginning. The Post-Launch Booster Grant is available to post-launch church plants after starting their second year and before reaching their fifth. (Years 3-4)
*This new grant will be available upon receiving and approving the grant application; and as this grant fund allows.
- Provide a copy of an official report from one of the CMC’s regional Church Planting Assessment Center (or an equivalent Assessment Center) or a Wiring Assessment Report.
- Provide documentation showing the church plant is registered with The Wesleyan Church.
- Please provide documentation showing your participation in an Essentials Training or other kind of church planting training. State the name, location, and date of the training you were involved in.
- Submit your Prospectus or a document detailing your ministry plans.
- Submit a document detailing your church multiplication plans and a commitment to plant at least one autonomous church by the third year of the plant (post-launch).
- Provide a document that demonstrates a significant storyline of salvation and baptisms. Please include at least 10-20 of the most recent stories of genuine life change and living as a sent disciple. Summarize each person’s story by sharing their name, a brief testimony, and their baptism date.
*Sending Church Connections (SCCs) and campuses cannot apply.
Upon receipt and approval, the CMC will bless you with a check in the name of the church.
If you have any questions, please email Jesse Pratt and Aimee Pratt.
Sending Church Matching Grant - $5K
The Wesleyan Church desires to see a significant increase in reproducing/multiplying/sending churches. This matching grant exists to assist sending churches with start up funds for their daughter church.
Sending Churches that are 1-5 Years old can also apply for the Young Sending Church Matching Grant.
*This grant will be available upon receiving and approving the grant application; and as this grant fund allows.
In order to qualify, Sending Church Leaders must provide the following:
- Provide details of the new church plant. Name of church planter, location, brief timeline, and name of the church plant.
- Provide documentation showing that the new church plant has already applied for and received either the Start Up Grant OR the Micro Church Network Grant.
- Provide documentation showing the amount of funds that are being given from the sending church to the church plant.
- Provide plans for how the sending church intends to continue to be a multiplying, sending church.
*Sending Church Connections (SCCs) and campuses cannot apply.
Upon approval and receipt of the required documents, the CMC will bless you with a check in the name of the new church.
If you have any questions, please email Jesse Pratt and Aimee Pratt.
Church Planting Network Coaching Grant - $2K
The Church Multiplication Collective of The Wesleyan Church desires to see a significant increase in reproducing/multiplying/sending churches. This Grant exists to help new Church Planting Networks (CPNs) receive coaching. Starting a CPN is extremely complicated, and by having a coach, the CPN will avoid pitfalls and gain multiplication strength quicker.
*This new grant will be available upon receiving and approving the application; and as funding allows.
In order to quality for the CPN Coaching Grant, the CPN Director/Leader must:
- Go through a CPN Training Course. (Email Jesse Pratt for more information)
- Provide details of the new CPN (name, vision, churches involved, regions/areas of focus for planting, Director/Point Person for the CPN).
- Commit to a one-year CPN Coaching relationship with a CMC Approved/Certified Coach. Provide signed agreement with a CPN Coach. (Email Aimee Pratt for more information)
- Provide proof of expenditure that displays the total cost of coaching relationship.
*Campuses cannot apply.
Upon approval and receipt of the items above, the CMC will send a check in the name of the new CPN or Church that is responsible for handling the network’s funds.
If you have any questions, please email Jesse Pratt and Aimee Pratt.
Church Planting Network Startup Matching Grant - $5K
Church Planting Networks (CPNs) are one of the healthiest ways for a cluster of local churches to increase their multiplication culture within each of their churches AND in the churches they start. New CPNs are defined by having at least three autonomous partnering churches involved. This is a matching grant intended to boost the startup funds provided from participating churches. This grant will match up to $5,000.
*This matching grant will be available upon receiving and approving the grant application; and as this grant fund allows.
In order to qualify, CPN Leaders must provide the following:
- Details of the new CPN (name, vision, churches involved, regions/areas of focus for planting, Director/Point Person for the CPN).
- Documentation of completion of a CPN Training course. (Email Jesse Pratt for more information.)
- Documentation showing that the CPN has a one-year agreement with a CMC Certified/Approved CPN Coach.
- A detailed prospectus/strategic plan of multiplication, including a commitment to plant Wesleyan Churches.
- Documentation showing the amount of funds that are being given from each participating church towards this matching start up grant. Include too how each church (and future churches may be) committing to continued financial support of the CPN and its church plants.
- Documentation stating District Approval of new church plant that is being planted by the CPN.
*Campuses cannot apply.
Upon approval and receipt of the items above, the CMC will send a check in the name of the new CPN or Church that is responsible for handling the network’s funds.
If you have any questions, please email Jesse Pratt and Aimee Pratt.
Campus/Multi-Site Startup Grant - $5K
The Church Multiplication Collective of The Wesleyan Church is committed to providing a $5,000 matching grant for any church that is launching a new reproducing campus or site within a new location or zip code.
*This new grant will be available upon receiving and approving the grant; and as this grant fund allows.
In order to quality for the Campus/Multi-Site Startup Matching Grant, church leaders must:
- Provide details for the new campus/site (location, leadership plans, ministry plans, etc.)
- Provide documentation showing Local Church Board approval of the new campus/site.
- Provide a letter of support and understanding from your District Superintendent (DBA approval not needed).
- Strategic Plans showing commitment to govern new campus/site in perpetuity or until the campus/site becomes autonomous.
- Multiplication Plans for how the new campus/site will be a reproducing/multiplying church body.
- Please submit church Funding Plan from the mothering church demonstrating initial start up funds for campus/site, as well as any on-going financial support (ie. budget percentage).
Upon receipt and approval of this application, the CMC will bless you with a check in the name of the new campus/site.
If you have any questions, please feel free to email Jesse Pratt and Aimee Pratt.
Church Planting Residency Host Site Grant - $4K
The Church Multiplication Collective of The Wesleyan Church is committed to providing a matching grant up to $4,000 for any church committed to becoming a host site for a church planting residency.
*This new grant will be available upon receiving and approving the application; and as funding allows.
In order to qualify for the Church Planter Residency Matching Grant, church leaders must:
- Provide a document showing Local Church Board approval.
- Provide detailed Residency Program Plan that include the following:
- Program calendar lasting for at least one year
- Training content/curriculum being used in the program (Email Jesse Pratt for more information)
- Specific outcome goals that intend to set up residents for planting
- Program supervisor and mentoring relationship
- Provide documentation for the Funding Plan for the residency program. This should include expenses such as curriculum, courses, housing, stipends, etc. Please include a copy of the church budget that shows the portion of funds going towards this new program.
*Sending Church Connections and campuses cannot apply.
Upon receipt and approval of this application, the CMC will bless you with a check in the name of the host church.
If you have any questions, feel free to contact Jesse Pratt and Aimee Pratt.
Young Sending Church Matching Grant Application - $5k
The Wesleyan Church desires to see a significant increase in reproducing/multiplying/sending churches. This matching grant exists to assist young sending churches that are between 1-5 years old with start up funds for their daughter church.
Young Sending Churches can also apply for the Sending Church Matching Grant.
*This grant will be available upon receiving and approving the grant application; and as this grant fund allows.
In order to qualify, Young Sending Church Leaders must provide the following:
- Provide documentation showing that the sending agency is a young church that is between 1-5 years old.
- Provide details of the new church plant. Name of church planter, location, brief timeline, and name of the church plant.
- Provide documentation showing that the new church plant has already applied for and received either the Start Up Grant OR the Micro Church Network Grant.
- Provide documentation showing the amount of funds that are being given from the young sending church to the church plant.
- Provide plans for how the sending church intends to continue to be a multiplying, sending church.
*Sending Church Connections (SCCs) and campuses cannot apply.
Upon approval and receipt of the required documents, the CMC will bless you with a check in the name of the new church.
If you have any questions, please email Jesse Pratt and Aimee Pratt.
Soul Care Grant - $1.5K
The Church Multiplication Collective of The Wesleyan Church deeply believes that the health of any new church depends on the health of the leader. This grant is available to lead pastors of church plants that are post-launch and between 1-5 years old.
Applicants can only apply for this grant one time.
*This grant will be available upon receiving and approving the grant application; and as this grant fund allows.
In order to qualify, church leaders must provide the following:
- Provide a letter of recommendation and support from your District Superintendent.
- Provide documentation of church plant being post-launch and between 1-5 years old.
- Provide a document that briefly describes the soul care retreat or activity you intend to use the funds for. Please provide website, location, dates, and other related details.
*Sending Church Connections (SCCs) and campuses cannot apply.
Upon approval and receipt of the required documents, the CMC will bless you with a check in the name of the church.
If you have any questions, please email Jesse Pratt and Aimee Pratt.
Additional Funding Sources
– Bi-vocational work
– Family and friends who believe in the work you are doing
– Launch team members
– Launch team members’ extended network
– Denominational support
– District support
– Sending church support
– Other churches within the denomination or district
– Other organizational grants
*For additional fund-raising training and resources go HERE.