ECD Feature

Good Stewards of God’s Creation

Good Stewards of God’s Creation

Have you ever had the Holy Spirit confirm a calling? If so, you know these moments tend to be catalytic for your life trajectory. Brian Webb—the current Sustainability Director at Houghton College—recalls a moment when he was called to lead other believers in the...
Strategically Non-Linear

Strategically Non-Linear

Strategically Non-Linear: 3 Lessons from Zach Aument’s Roundabout Journey to Ministry If you met Zach Aument on the street, you would guess he’s an artist, philosopher or political advisor. And while you’d be correct, Zach’s current job title is strategist. A ministry...
The Courage of Conviction

The Courage of Conviction

The Courage of Conviction: Gabrielle Crofford Shares 3 Insights about Family Life in Ministry Gabrielle Crofford grew up in Suffix County, Delaware, running across the tops of chair rows at Laurel Wesleyan Church. The privilege came with being a pastor’s kid, and as...
Flowers Between the Cracks

Flowers Between the Cracks

  Flowers Between the Cracks: 3 M’s of Church Multiplication in Mexico City When Alejandro Sicilia came to lead Senda De Vida church 20 years ago, the building served as a bunker. Located in the heart of Mexico City in a neighborhood riddled with crime, drugs and...
Finding Footing on a Firm Foundation

Finding Footing on a Firm Foundation

Finding Footing on a Firm Foundation: Silas Vermilya Made His Faith His Own as a Pastor’s Kid Silas Vermilya is 18 years old, starting his first year at Indiana Wesleyan University. For the past 10 years, he’s been a pastor’s kid, as his mom served as a worship pastor...
Sanctifying Context

Sanctifying Context

Higher education is facing significant challenges but these challenges have prompted reflection on the purpose of Christian higher education in particular.

Sabbaticals: Learning to Thrive

Sabbaticals: Learning to Thrive

By Jessica White | Oct 14, 2016 The word “sabbaticals” is sometimes accompanied by a negative connotation. When ministers consider a sabbatical they think: “There is never a good time to get away. If I leave now, the church will fall apart.”...
Gordon Ritchie: A Physician of the Soul

Gordon Ritchie: A Physician of the Soul

Gordon Ritchie recently retired from a fulfilling career as a United States Marine Corps Chaplain. After twenty-four years of service, Ritchie has had an influence on many young people in the United States Navy. His career–shaped by honor, hope, presence, and...
ECD Hosts Three Summer Interns

ECD Hosts Three Summer Interns

IWU public relations, writing, and business major intern at the Division of Education and Clergy Development Rev. Russ Gunsalus and The Division of Education and Clergy Development partnered with Indiana Wesleyan University to bring three interns to gain real-world...
I would have never imagined I would be a pastor today

I would have never imagined I would be a pastor today

“I would have never imagined I would be a pastor today.” Pastor Marcelle Hamel never considered she would be called to the ministry. In fact, for a majority of her life she was just trying to survive. Losing her mom at a young age and her father absent;...