Leaning into the Holy Spirit’s empowerment
With focused vision, CMAD is praying for a Spirit-led movement of disciple making and multiplication.
With focused vision, CMAD is praying for a Spirit-led movement of disciple making and multiplication.
Pure Religion Sunday, November 10, 2024, challenges us to join God and others in caring for the vulnerable.
One woman’s burning passion has ignited imaginations and mobilized Wesleyans for ministry to vulnerable children and families for over 20 years.
Wesleyans find practical ways to support and uphold life.
Do you know these Wesleyans in the news?
Through fervent prayer, deep caring and leaning into Acts 1:8, CMAD is following where the Spirit is leading.
“Events in the news remind me that Satan’s weapons make a lot of noise, but it’s deceptive. Love is much better armored.”
Hephzibah62:4 and The Wesleyan Church’s other subsidiary organizations demonstrate Wesleyans’ commitment to action.
Subsidiary organizations like Immigrant Connection demonstrate The Wesleyan Church’s commitment to action.
Embracing our Wesleyan DNA as we press into God’s mission in 2022.
A woman who recently considered abortion invites us to be present and listen to her story.
Do you know these Wesleyans in the news?
Paul and Alli Nix are following the path of early Christians in caring for the most vulnerable.
For over 118 years, Hephzibah Ministries served the needs of vulnerable children. On January 18, 2018, Hephzibah Ministries, Inc. Board of Directors announced a bold ministry redesign.
Hephzibah62:4 and the Rescue Mission of Middle Georgia begin a new partnership, one that honors the past and anticipates the future.
Four new Hephzibah62:4 initiatives have been launched under the direction of Director Jodi Lewis, each focused on serving vulnerable children and their families.