Clergy Care

“Friendship is born at that moment when one person says to another: “What! You too? I thought I was the only one.” ~ C. S. Lewis I am an extrovert. I like being around people and I thrive on conversations. I’ve been accused of smiling too much and,...
Wonderfully Made
Imagine an ultrasound picture of a precious baby. Or better yet, imagine holding that child in your hand while reading this Psalm (139): 13 For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. 14 I praise you because I am fearfully and...
God is Bigger Than This
Friends, if you’re in a season of hurting- let me join you in praying that you’ll let Him lead you through. That you’ll choose to fight, and that you’ll keep your eyes on Him. He’s shaping you along the way.

Chaplain Spotlight: Judy Adams
Adams reminds people outside the world of prison to avoid allowing fear to prevent them from ministering alongside people in prison.

Rugh transitions to full-time role with ECD
Rugh has already made a significant impact in her role as director of Spanish Ministry Education and Clergy Care.

The goal of The Gathering was for each attendee to be “encouraged, inspired and engaged at a deeper level with each other, their spouse and with God.”

Reflections on reclaiming the Sabbath
Sabbath slows us down so that we can listen to our soul. It is then that we can bring our own heart before the Lord in prayerful reflection.

The Gathering: a turning point
Eleven years later, Steve Dunmire points to The Gathering as a turning point in his life, both personally and professionally.

The Gathering: Phil Lewis’ story
Phil Lewis encourages all pastors to attend The Gathering.

The Gathering: Keith Carroll’s story
Rev. Keith Carroll tells why he makes it a priority to attend The Gathering.

Pacific Southwest Women Clergy Gathering strengthens ministers
The Pacific Southwest District event for women in ministry is designed to encourage and support the pastors through sharing experiences and deepening relationships.

Called to family Sabbath
“God began to teach us more of what Sabbath looks like, especially inside a pastor’s home.”

Retreat guide provides tips to Reclaim Sabbath
The guide serves as a method to assist pastors and clergy leaders in taking steps to truly reclaim the Sabbath.

The Gathering: one year out
With The Gathering one year out, start planning your trip now to Orlando, Florida, to this encouraging and inspiring event.

The most significant relationship
Research shows that the most significant relationship for pastors’ well-being is with their congregations.

Wesleyans in the news
Lives are “made new” at a Kingswood youth event, a New York church takes a closer look at the opioid crisis, an insurance company provides wellness assistance for pastors and more.

National Study of Wesleyan Clergy and Spouses
As we all know by now, studies show that being a pastor (of any sort) is one of the most gratifying, fulfilling vocations around AND AT THE SAME TIME one of the most challenging and stressful. What we don’t know is just how pastors in The Wesleyan Church fit into that...
Thrive in 5: Spiritual – Protecting the Spiritual Life of the Pastor
Sustaining Pastoral Excellence The most fundamental level of self-care is the pastor’s personal relationship with God in Christ through the Spirit. Everything in the pastor’s life flows from and is dependent upon the spiritual condition of the heart:...
Inaugural Breakaway retreat for pastors’ spouses a success
The inaugural Breakaway retreat for pastors’ spouses was deemed a success, both by leaders and attendees. Because of the positive feedback, future retreats will likely be held in the future.

Shocking News about Wesleyan Pastor Washout: Wesleyan Clergy Retention Study
Please forgive me for the sensational title but the news about Wesleyan pastoral retention is indeed shocking. If I asked you, “How many pastors washout of ministry in their first five years?”, what would you say, 30…40…50…even 60...
Need more evidence pastoring is not a doomsday profession? Look at The Wesleyan Church
In a blog post for Christianity Today, Ed Stetzer examines the retention rate from 2005-2008 for clergy within The Wesleyan Church.

New pastors and seminarians introduced to The Wesleyan Church
New Pastors Orientation and Seminary Days celebrated 65 newly ordained or first appointment pastors at an annual event.

“Flourishing in Pastoral Ministry” Conference a success
The Flourishing in Pastoral Ministry Conference, held on October 11, 2013, in Marion, Ind., explored “best theories and practices for fostering clergy wellness.”