Sermon Starters
Jesus was a famously good storyteller. On hillsides and shorelines, Jesus held audiences spellbound with his way of sharing in images and narratives that expressed core human needs.
Jesus was a famously good storyteller. On hillsides and shorelines, Jesus held audiences spellbound with his way of sharing in images and narratives that expressed core human needs.
He Sapa New Life has established a large community-based youth outreach program this past year to reach these youth by providing alternative positive activities and mentoring
Chaplain Amber Kunkel becomes first female chaplain in Hurlburt’s 79-year history.
Our greatest challenge as a society is the lack of leaders; the lack of people being ready and desiring to help others. How do we find new leaders? Leaders are not found: they are encountered, equipped, and empowered.
For Pastor Frankie Rodriguez–senior Pastor of Iglesia Wesleyana El Camino in Greenville, South Carolina, the Thrive Financial Initiative (TFI) offered a chance for vulnerability that enriched his relationship to his congregation.
Para el pastor Frankie Rodríguez, pastor principal de la Iglesia Wesleyana La Camino en Greenville, Carolina del Sur, la Iniciativa hacia Finanzas Exitosas (IFE) ofreció una oportunidad de vulnerabilidad que enriqueció su relación con su congregación
During the first year of TFI, Leist and his leadership team turned the TFI materials into a teaching series for their congregation.
“Sometimes pastors don’t avail themselves of things until there is a crisis; we’re trying to encourage pastors to be thinking ahead about what kinds of habits of mind and heart they can begin to make part of their life before there’s a crisis,”
This role is important, because—according to Styers—the problem with executing clergy care is not a lack of concern, but a lack of time on the part of district leaders. “We try our very best to not let people fall through the cracks…
“We’re a church who believes in fully supporting our pastor, so when I realized the benefit he could achieve through Thrive, I was on board in helping him achieve that in his own personal life,” reflected Belliveau.
When asked what he’d say to those considering TFI, Daniel says, “The TFI money is pretty much dependable; but what I’ve really learned in this process beyond that is how God can provide in so many ways you can’t even count on or be sure of… so there
The hyphen: integrating the immigrant into ministry
Now, nearing the end of the TFI process, the Parker family have worked toward the Thrive team’s collective goals, paying down all $20,000 in debt, and are completely debt-free as they now work on the next step (building their savings fund).
“This is one of the greatest challenges for a teacher at a Christian college – for a teacher that is a believer – how to educate, expose and equip young minds to make their way through a visual culture…”
“Everything you do or don’t do; everything you say or don’t say sends a message–so make sure all you do or say reorients people toward Christ and not toward the world.”
“In the church planting world, a lot of the language we use is colonialist. We say, ‘We have God and we will bring him to these people.’ But one of my discoveries has been that God was always in Portland and at work in Portland,” Doiron said.
“It was a rich experience for me to understand that God is bigger than any one denominational box… All of the different perspectives find alignment and agreement in God,” Jones reflected.
“The church of the future is going to have to simplify. We’re not going to be able to rely on giving as much to support a staff of 15 pastors. We’re going to have to know what we are about – preaching and teaching the word of God, inviting everyone..
If there’s one overarching aim Crisp has developed in 19 years as a pastor’s spouse, it’s authenticity – for her family life and her own spiritual development.
Newly ordained pastors of The Wesleyan Church were celebrated, encouraged and resourced at the event specifically crafted for them.
“More than any one time gift or note, the most encouraging thing to do for your pastor is to just show up on a regular basis and help create an overall healthy culture in your church,” says Rev. Mike Cline, senior pastor at Mountain View Church.
We are in danger of not leading ourselves, our families, or our congregations well if we do not intentionally take the time to listen to God’s voice.