Wesleyans in the news: May 2
Do you know these Wesleyans in the news?
Do you know these Wesleyans in the news?
The Wesleyan Church in Canada unites to seek the will of God.
Everyone needs a “Vivian.”
A spirit of connection, strategy and celebration mark district conferences across the North American Conference of The Wesleyan Church.
Parkway Church makes steady inroads in the community as God moves them forward through the pandemic.
“We are excited as we prayerfully pursue ministry opportunities and a vision for church health and multiplication, which is uniquely designed for the post-Christian context of Canadian culture.”
The once monochromatic church of 1,000 congregants now includes people from countries like Nigeria, Brazil, the Philippines and everywhere in between.
Dr. Eric Hallet was elected to replace retiree Dr. Peter Rigby as district superintendent for the Central Canada District.
One month has passed since ONE Conference, yet I am still blown away by how God moved as I reflect on that weekend. There is a new hunger for a move of God that is awakening in this generation, and we’re doing our best to pour fuel on that fire.
More than 150 men and women attended the annual event at West Head Wesleyan Church in Clark’s Harbour, Nova Scotia.
The oldest known Wesleyan passes away, Canada church prepares event to serve Haitians, West Virginia church ministers in Guatemala and more.
A Wesleyan pastor talks about planting a church in Canada and leaders of Fairmount Camp in Indiana hope to engage more with the community.
Elliott will begin his appointment in August and replaces General Superintendent Emeritus Dr. H. C. Wilson who is retiring.
More than 130 churches and 10 denominations partnered to host the ONE Conference in Canada.
Next Gen leaders in Nova Scotia, Canada, “huddle” together regularly to grow, network and learn as they point children to Jesus in their respective churches.
A single mom’s firewood was about to run out. Given that is her primary source of heat in the cold, a local Wesleyan church in Canada stepped up to help.
Lives are “made new” at a Kingswood youth event, a New York church takes a closer look at the opioid crisis, an insurance company provides wellness assistance for pastors and more.
Norwood Wesleyan Church, located in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, is urban missional, because it is “located and serving in a high poverty area in a metropolitan area of over 200,000 people.”
A church in Canada is showing the love of Jesus by helping children know they are loved, accepted and valued.
Canada’s 150th anniversary is this year and you are invited to celebrate with Kingswood University!
A new district superintendent has been named for the Atlantic District, as H. C. Wilson retires this summer.
World Hope employee wins award, Ontario churches assist in resettling refugees, Houghton greatly impacts regional economy, Indiana Wesleyan provides new way to reduce tuition, and more.
The Atlantic District has received a church and parsonage in Canada for $1.00 each.
Discussion of Memorials (resolutions) was spirited but loving. The courtesy and wisdom of those asking questions and making comments were beautiful to see. Important business for the kingdom was done.