
Leading with love

Leading with love

Wesleyan churches in Nova Scotia meet community needs by taking Love Week projects to the next level.

Problem of pain

Problem of pain

Life is not always a celebration, and pain is deeply real. But God is still present in the midst of extreme pain.

A stony heart

A stony heart

The Lord convicted me one day as I heard him say, “What are you doing to bring hope to those in need?” On that day, I realized the state of my heart.

Messengers of Grace

Messengers of Grace

We have a neighbor who is the strangest person I’ve ever met. He is intelligent and well-read, but physically very ill which leads to some very odd behaviors. The other neighbors want nothing to do with him. He is an outcast. To add fuel to the fire there were three...
Happy endings

Happy endings

The little girl was found wandering around the parking lot, no adult in sight. When David found her he thought, “Where are her parents?”

A violent July

A violent July

Martin Luther King, Jr., explained the cyclical destruction of violence. General Superintendent Wayne Schmidt calls us to be people who drive out darkness and hate with the light and love of Jesus.

70 years and counting

70 years and counting

More people get married in June than any other month. Wayne and Joan married in June–70 years ago. What is the key to lifelong marriage? We can all learn from this special couple.

Helping refugees in your community

Helping refugees in your community

Would you consider personally working with refugees in your community? Here are some helpful things to note as you set out to love your neighbors.

La carnada correcta

La carnada correcta

¿Estás confiando demasiado en tu equipo para ganar a la gente para Jesús? ¿Tienes la “carnada” correcta? ¿Se muestra el amor de Jesús en tus palabras y acciones hacia los demás?

The right bait

The right bait

We can do our best to convince people around us to accept Jesus as Savior. And while the Holy Spirit is the One to persuade, Jesus still asks us to be messengers. Do you have the right “bait”?

Video: Being the church in a pagan society

Video: Being the church in a pagan society

Should we expect the secular society around us to live by our Christian standards? How do we minister in a post-Christian culture? Jacob Thurston examines both subjects in this six-minute video.

The exponential kingdom

The exponential kingdom

Exponential may be a mathematical term, but it also holds weight in God’s kingdom–especially in the area of church planting and making committed disciples of Jesus.