Continuity … with courageous pursuit of the mission
Wesleyans Everywhere to Everywhere are courageously pursuing God’s work and following the Spirit’s leading.
Wesleyans Everywhere to Everywhere are courageously pursuing God’s work and following the Spirit’s leading.
Wesleyan Investment Foundation and The Wesleyan Church’s other subsidiary organizations demonstrate Wesleyans’ commitment to action.
Hephzibah62:4 and The Wesleyan Church’s other subsidiary organizations demonstrate Wesleyans’ commitment to action.
Subsidiary organizations like Immigrant Connection demonstrate The Wesleyan Church’s commitment to action.
“I have not stopped giving thanks for you …” Ephesians 1:16
The Wesleyan Church (TWC) districts to vote on two memorials passed at the 14th General Conference regarding gifts of the Spirit and membership commitments.
The Wesleyan Church (TWC) extends thank you at the 14th General Conference to two general officers who are transitioning to new ministry roles.
The 14th General Conference approves seminary’s inclusion in “The Discipline” and welcomes her leaders to Wesleyan Education Council and General Board.
Changes to the United Stewardship Fund (USF) at General Conference were designed to simplify the funding model, keep more money in the local church, support church multiplication and help struggling developing churches.
The 14th General Conference celebrates the installation of newly elected leaders.
General Conference’s Tuesday evening of worship invites Wesleyans to listen to God and consider their call to be a Kingdom Force Unleashed.
Amid weighty memorial business, affirmations of beliefs were made and gave way to spontaneous and Spirit-led worship.
24 women and men, lay and clergy elected by the 14th General Conference to serve the church in the next quadrennium.
Rev. Johanna Rugh elected by the General Conference to the office of executive director of Education and Clergy Development.
Rev. Dr. Ed Love elected by the General Conference to the office of executive director of Church Multiplication and Discipleship.
Rev. Dr. Dennis Jackson and Janelle Vernon re-elected for service and divisional leadership in The Wesleyan Church (TWC).
Rev. Dr. Wayne Schmidt re-elected to general superintendency of The Wesleyan Church (TWC).
The title of General Superintendent Emeritus was conferred upon Dr. Thomas Armiger by the 14th General Conference.
The opening rally of General Conference was filled with passionate worship, intentional reflection and a call to let go and invite God into our lives.
Listing of events being hosted at the 14th General Conference of The Wesleyan Church
Reflections from the longest-serving General Conference delegate.
As General Conference approaches, may the Holy Spirit unleash Wesleyans to be innovative and courageous in doing whatever is necessary to be a Kingdom Force in making disciples, multiplying churches and being a transforming presence.